Saturday, August 13

Seven, Seven, Seven's.

I got this post from Meredith at onesheepishgirl and it seemed like something that would squeeze the brains a little bit... :)

7 places I would like to visit/

  1. India (and travel via trains)
  2. Ireland
  3. Germany
  4. The Netherlands
  5. New Zealand
  6. Australia
  7. Japan
7 things I would like to make/

  1. An array of beautiful cupcakes
  2. Clay creations
  3. My own clothes
  4. Make up my own patterns & crafts (sad, right?)
  5. A giant tee-pee
  6. A garden full of veggies and herbs
  7. All of the crafts on my to-do list!
7 people I would like to meet/

  1. Jerry Garcia
  2. Coco Chanel
  3. John Butler
  4. Allen Ginsberg
  5. Ken Kesey
  6. Hunter S. Thompson
  7. Lukasz Wierzbowski
7 things I would like to own/

  1. A simple cottage in midst of green
  2. A tee-pee
  3. Star-Trek props/memorabilia 
  4. An antique store or restaurant/coffee shop
  5. A large never ending collection of yarn
  6. A letterpress kit
  7. A coffee mug from every country
7 things that annoy me/

  1. I hate to say it - Bad grammar
  2. People who only think of themselves
  3. Repetitive noises
  4. Meredith- I'm with you.. Shopping for pants (short people problems) :)
  5. Grandma drivers (just drive the speed limit)
  6. When I can't find a lighter
  7. When people don't think I can do something
7 films I love/

  1. The Darjeeling Limited
  2. The Aquatic Life with Steve Zissou
  3. The Royal Tenenbaums (can you see a pattern?)
  4. Breakfast at Tiffany's
  5. Spirited Away
  6. Howl's Moving Castle
  7. My Neighbor Totoro
7 funny words/

  1. Plethora
  2. Hubbub
  3. Beseech
  4. Dipthong
  5. Codswallop
  6. Aglet
  7. Britches


1 comment:

meredith said...

Aw I'm glad you did the list! I would love to meet Coco Chanel too!!! It was difficult to narrow down my list to seven people. haha! :)